Senin, 21 Mei 2012

My Quicksort - using java

Oke, kali ini kita bertemu dalam permasalahan pemrograman. Kali ini saya akan sedikit membagikan hasil dari "Trial and Error" kelompok saya, hehe.
Oke, langsung saja ke permasalahannya ya, disini kita membuat pengurutan Quicksort yang inputan angkanya di import melalui random file yang dibuat dalam bentuk text file.
Untuk sourcecode-nya :

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Android terdapat aplikasi berbahaya, apa saja itu?

Jakarta - Android memang sudah begitu populer, namun hal ini juga berdampak pada serbuan aplikasi jahat yang semakin deras. Seperti 17 aplikasi mobile berbahaya ini yang disinyalir masih berkeliaran bebas di Google Play.

Perusahaan keamanan Trend Micro menyatakan bahwa Google Play memang pernah melakukan aksi bersih-bersih untuk menyapu sejumlah aplikasi berbahaya. Namun hal itu tidak serta-merta menuntaskan ancaman yang ada.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Olympus Dibekali Spesifikasi Tinggi [Bandel]

Jakarta - Lensa dengan bukaan lebar dan performa apik di kondisi low light tak ayal membuat kamera 'bandel' dari Olympus ini lebih unggul dibanding kamera lain di kategori yang sama.

Adalah Olympus Tough TG-1 iHS yang dibekali spesifikasi serius untuk mewadahi penggiat foto yang gemar membidik di lingkungan outdoor nan ekstrim.

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

ASUS G75V : Notebook Gaming Goes Ivy

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Intel has decided to lead its introduction of Ivy Bridge for mobile with its most powerful quad-core parts. Many of these processors will end up in mainstream laptop, but they’re also great for gaming laptops. In our first look at Ivy Bridge we saw that it holds up well when paired with its own Intel HD 4000 graphics – if you keep the resolution around 1366x768. A bit more than that and the IGP just can’t hang.

Gamers will still want a beefy discrete GPU, and that’s what the G75 offers. Inside this beast you’ll find an Nvidia GeForce GTX 670M. Those who were reading our Kepler coverage will remember that this is not based off Nvidia’s newest architecture but is instead a re-work of an older Fermi chip. That mean seem a bit disappointing, and it is – but the performance of Nvidia’s older mobile chips wasn’t lackluster. 

Adobe Rilis Varian Paket Creative Suite 6

Adobe CS6 (Ist.)
Jakarta - Adobe telah merilis Creative Suite 6. Dan kini, software tersebut sudah tersedia bagi para penggiat foto, videografer, desainer hingga web developer melalui situs dan dealer resmi mereka.

Dibundling dalam 4 paket, CS6 menawarkan upgrade fitur untuk Photoshop dan Photoshop Extended, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamwaver, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effetcts, Flash Professional dan lain-lain.

Polaroid 'Lahir Kembali' di iPhone & iPad

Foto Polaroid (Photoshopid)
Jakarta - Polaroid sempat merengguk masa kejayaan sebelum teknologi digital merebak seperti sekarang ini. Namun kini, salah satu ikon dunia fotografi tersebut siap muncul kembali, meski bukan dalam bentuk fisik.

Kali ini kehadiran Polaroid terwujud dalam bentuk aplikasi mobile bagi piranti iOS seperti iPhone maupun iPad. Dinamakan Polamatic, apikasi foto dan video ini 'mengawinkan' teknologi kamera mobile dengan tampilan klasik khas foto Polaroid. Caranya?

Big List of Game Release Dates

We've been busy gathering info on upcoming release dates spanning all the way to 2013 on a selective group of huge games.

This is a living document, so keep this list bookmarked as we update it with more details and more specific time frames.



April 2012

Newcomers from nVidia

Nvidia smashed it out of the park with its GeForce GTX 680, but that clearly isn’t enough graphical grunt for the green team. In a surprise unveiling at the Nvidia Game Festival 2012 in Shanghai, CEO Jen-Hsun Huang gave us its dual-GPU beast, the GeForce GTX 690.
The formula for building one of these super-powerful cards is surprisingly simple. Two of Nvidia's GTX 680 cores are soldered onto a 280mm-long piece of PCB, with a small chip between the two to allow them to work together.

What is Overclocking

Many people probably don't know what overclocking is but have possibly heard the term used before. To put it in its simplest terms, overclocking is taking a computer component such as a processor and running at a specification higher than rated by the manufacturer. Every part produced by companies such as Intel and AMD are rated for a specific speeds. They have tested the capabilities of the part and certified it for that given speed. Of course, most parts are underrated for increased reliability. Overclocking a part simply takes advantage of the remaining potential out of a computer part that the manufacturer is unwilling to certify the part for but it is capable of.